YouTube influencer marketing agency

Guaranteed monetization in 10 days or less

We'll secure 4,000 authentic watch hours and 1,000 real subscribers for your channel so you can fast-track getting approved for monetization.

Fame Fuel is
an official

Fame Fuel is
an official


Systematic Exposure

We get you featured across thousands of suggested video placements and popular YouTube playlists. Putting your video in front of laser-targeted fans that will skyrocket your engagements.

Explode Your Views

Your video gets shown to high-retention users who are already interested in your genre. Rapidly gain thousands of organic views from real YouTube users and rapidly increase your Watch Hours within days.

Grow Your Subscribers

Obtain active subscribers who will engage with your channel and scale-up your fanbase. Build a platform that will not only provide consistent growth for your new content, but will also give you the required 1,000 subscribers for monetization.​

Guaranteed Monetization

Our process maintains a 100% success rate. Get approved for monetization in an average of only 10 days and start earning revenue as a career YouTuber. We make monetization an easy and automatic process for creators at all levels.

Get featured as a suggested video across thousands of trending channels

Get featured as a suggested video across hundreds of trending channels and maximize your exposure to the perfect audience

YouTube marketing agency
YouTube marketing agency

Land on popular playlists with millions of active subscribers and rapidly explode your video engagements

Land on popular playlists with thousands of active subscribers and rapidly explode your video engagements

YouTube digital marketing agency
YouTube digital marketing agency


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How it works

Step 1

Send Us Your Channel

Choose from multiple options to find your perfect package. Easily submit your channel link and select your target genre during our 3-minute checkout process. Then just sit back and we’ll take it from there!

Step 2

Get Your Videos Placed

Once submitted, your channel will immediately get assigned to our monetization specialists. They’ll review your channel and then find hundreds of Suggested Video placements and popular YouTube Playlists where your videos will fit perfectly.

Step 3

Gain Hours & Subs

Start receiving exposure and seeing results in only 2-3 days. Your videos will be shown to thousands of genre-targeted users that will rapidly grow your watch time and subscribers. We help you build an audience that will support your content even after the monetization process is complete.

Step 4

Get Approved For Monetization

Reach the required 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers in an average of only 8-10 days! We provide a 100% Monetization Guarantee to all qualifying orders. Get approved by YouTube and finally start earning revenue from your videos!

Channels Monetized
99 k
Views Delivered
100 b
Subscribers Won
100 m
0 K+

Channels Monetized

0 B+

Views Delivered

0 M+

Subscribers Won

We've helped thousands of YouTubers get approved for monetization and evolve their careers

Calculate Your Earnings

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Real Engagements

We've become the largest growth service company by providing our clients with authentic engagements from real YouTube users that elevate their careers and grow their audiences.

Complete Coverage

No matter your genre, niche, or goal, we will provide you with the perfect solution. We help creators at all levels of their careers and from all places in the world.

Quick Monetization

Let us do the heavy lifting while you focus on whats important. Receive 4,000 watch hours from real viewers with 1,000 active and engaged subscribers. We’ll get your channel monetized, guaranteed.

48hr Results

We take your success seriously and provide you with a fine tuned system that boasts the fastest turn around times in the industry. Secure a package today and start seeing results within 48hrs.

Loved by over 15,000 creators from every genre

YouTube promotion service
Fame Fuel is a huge supporter of our content, so we weren't surprised when they pulled out all the stops on this campaign. We were blown away by the level of reach we had with this service. The team at Fame Fuel are full of energy, great ideas and most importantly, they understand what you want to accomplish. Our Youtube channel has not stopped trending and we continue to see incredible growth in our fan base. Their services have been a game changer!


Video marketing service
Since we linked with Fame Fuel, my label and I were able to pinpoint what would appeal to new audiences by systematically boosting engagements on certain pieces of content. We were able to pick from a variety of services on multiple platforms and curate them as we needed. They were professional and easy to work with, and their insights have significantly helped my career.

COI LERAY — Musician

Youtube influencer marketing service
Recently I've seen an influx of well known streamers coming to Fame Fuel in order to grow their channel, myself being one of them. Once I saw how well the system benefited me and other streamers, I invested into it. Streaming is not a get rich quick scheme, it's a grind. Honestly, it's more of a lifestyle than it is just streaming. Fame Fuel has given me the tools to make even more money on my own terms, allowing me to focus more of my time into creating content for my fans.


Real engagements for Real results

YouTube influencer marketing agency

The #1 Source of YouTube Monetization





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Get 25% off below



$ 159 / one-time
  • cropped-favicon_FameFuel.png
    List Item #1
  • List Item #2
  • List Item #3


4,000 Hours + 1,000 Subs
$ 149
  • 4,000 Watch Hours + 1,000 Subscribers
  • ✔︎ 100% Guaranteed Channel Monetization
  • ✔︎ 1st Position Suggested Video Placements on 325+ trending videos inside your genre
  • ✔︎ Placement on hundreds of popular YouTube Playlists
  • ✔︎ Subscribers, likes, and comments will also increase
  • ✔︎ Views will earn royalties from monetization and increase watch time
  • ✔︎ 100% Bot-free Authentic traffic and engagements
  • Hassle Free Lifetime Guarantee


3,500 - 5,000 Views
$ 47
  • Gain thousands of organic views from real Youtube users
  • ✔︎ 1st Position Suggested Video Placements on 100+ trending videos inside your genre
  • ✔︎ Placement on hundreds of popular YouTube Playlists
  • ✔︎ Subscribers, likes, and comments will also increase
  • ✔︎ Views will earn royalties from monetization and increase watch time
  • ✔︎ 100% Bot-free Authentic traffic and engagements
  • 🔥 Hassle Free Lifetime Guarantee
  • 🔥 See Results In Only 48hrs


12,500 - 15,000 Views
$ 119
  • Gain thousands of organic views from real Youtube users
  • ✔︎ 1st Position Suggested Video Placements on 325+ trending videos inside your genre
  • ✔︎ Placement on hundreds of popular YouTube Playlists
  • ✔︎ Subscribers, likes, and comments will also increase
  • ✔︎ Views will earn royalties from monetization and increase watch time
  • ✔︎ 100% Bot-free Authentic traffic and engagements
  • 🔥 Hassle Free Lifetime Guarantee
  • 🔥 See Results In Only 48hrs


15,000 - 18,000 Views
$ 179
  • Gain thousands of organic views from real Youtube users
  • ✔︎ 1st Position Suggested Video Placements on 450+ trending videos inside your genre
  • ✔︎ Placement on hundreds of popular YouTube Playlists
  • ✔︎ Subscribers, likes, and comments will also increase
  • ✔︎ Views will earn royalties from monetization and increase watch time
  • ✔︎ 100% Bot-free Authentic traffic and engagements
  • 🔥 Hassle Free Lifetime Guarantee
  • 🔥 See Results In Only 48hrs


15,000 - 18,000 Views
$ 179
  • Gain thousands of organic views from real Youtube users
  • ✔︎ 1st Position Suggested Video Placements on 450+ trending videos inside your genre
  • ✔︎ Placement on hundreds of popular YouTube Playlists
  • ✔︎ Subscribers, likes, and comments will also increase
  • ✔︎ Views will earn royalties from monetization and increase watch time
  • ✔︎ 100% Bot-free Authentic traffic and engagements
  • 🔥 Hassle Free Lifetime Guarantee
  • 🔥 See Results In Only 48hrs

Looking for regular video marketing?

Make sure you read the Details section below before purchasing a monetization package

Important Details

Before submitting your order for monetization, make sure you read over the guidelines and instructions below. This will ensure that your channel’s monetization is successful and you don’t end up wasting your money on a package. 

1. Review Your Channel

  • Your channel should be at least 7 days old
  • You should have a minimum of 2 videos uploaded that are at least 7 days old
  • Your channel should not be an automated AI voiceover + Stock Footage channel. As of Nov 2022, YouTube has been cracking down heavily on automation channels with denied applications and de-monetizations.
  • Your channel should not have any active copyright strikes. (if you’re not sure if your channel has an active copyright strike, then you most likely don’t have one)
  • Your channel should follow all of YouTube’s Monetization Guidelines which can be found Here.
  • Your channel should follow all of YouTube’s Community Guidelines which can be found Here. 

2. Understand The Process

  • Once your order is submitted, our team immediately begins the process of getting your channel to qualify for monetization.
  • Within 48 – 72hrs, we will distribute your videos to hundreds of Suggested Video placements and Trending Playlists, where they will be exposed to thousands of new viewers.
  • Your content will continue to be placed in front of new viewers until you receive the amount of watch hours and subscribers included in your package.
Our average completion time for a 4,000 Hours + 1,000 Subscribers Monetization Package is only 8 – 10 days. 

3. Our 100% Monetization Guarantee

  • Fame Fuel is not responsible if your channel is denied monetization by YouTube for not following all of their Guidelines (such as having copyright strikes, promoting illegal products etc.). We do not have control over YouTube’s rules and everyone must follow them to get monetized. 
  • If your channel follows all of the guidelines above, and will reach the required 4,000 hours and 1,000 subscribers after we complete your marketing campaign, then we guarantee your channel will be approved for monetization.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to get monetized?

Once your order is submitted, our team immediately begins the process of getting your channel to qualify for monetization. Within 48 – 72hrs, we will distribute your videos to hundreds of Suggested Video placements and Trending Playlists, where they will be exposed to thousands of new viewers. Your content will continue to be placed in front of new viewers until you receive the amount of watch hours and subscribers included in your package.

Our average completion time for a 4,000 Hours + 1,000 Subscribers Monetization Package is only 8 – 10 days.

Is this safe for my channel?

Absolutely, 100%. Fame Fuel is an official Google Partner. Which means, our promotion utilizes organic growth methods that are safe and adhere to YouTube's terms of service. Every engagement (view, like, comment, sub) that you receive comes from real YouTube users that saw your video. We do not use bots, fake engagements, or any fraud tactics that will cause your channel to be penalized.

Are the views able to be monetized?

Of course! You will receive authentic YouTube views from real users who watch your video. Every view is able to be monetized. If your channel has not yet reached the requirements needed in order to monetize your videos, you can use one of our Monetization Packages for a stress-free (and guaranteed) way to obtain monetization status.

What if I need a higher quantity?

For labels, agencies and large channel owners, we provide bulk packages upon request. Please contact

I need help. How can I contact you guys?

You can reach our 24/7 support team via email at:

Have questions?

24/7 Support Team:

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Check your email for your discount code, it should be there already! (make sure to check spam)

Get ready to grow your YouTube like never before!